岩倉の家|Iwakura House
2010|Residencial, Office|風致地区に建つ広大な屋根裏空間を持った4層の建築
- 所在地
- 京都市
- 主用途
- 事務所併用住宅
- 規模・構造
- 地上3階(木造) 地下1階(RC造)/建築面積:49.94㎡/延床面積:154.56㎡
- 敷地条件
- 第二種中高層住居専用地域/風致地区(第5種)/第1種高度地区(12m)
- 構造設計
- 満田衛資構造計画研究所
- 施工
- 株式会社山田工務店
- 写真
- 矢野紀行写真事務所
The four-story building with an office and residential use stands in Kyoto city. The office space is placed in the half basement. The attic is planned pillar-free as an open room, which can be used as a larger working space. At the highest floor you are able to stand out from the skylight window to enjoy the view of Mt. Hiei with a glass of wine.
The split-levels and the partially lowered ceilings enabled the four floors to fit in the height limit. The resulting "lowness" was reconsidered as "closeness". The section is so arranged that the "closer" ceiling does not disturb the use of the space below.
translated by Tota Goya